Community privacy and member visibility

Florence Ip

Feb 20, 2025 1:03 PM

Community privacy and visibility

Public communities are visible to everyone on the Communities discover page. All employees can browse and join public communities.

Private communities are only visible to members of the community and to folks that are invited to join the community. To join a private community, employees must be invited by the leader.

The privacy of the Slack channel connected to the community corresponds to the community privacy. If your community is private, the connected Slack channel will also be private.

To change the community privacy:

  1. Go to Manage community from the Communities Dashboard
  2. Click on the Settings tab
  3. In the Community information section, click the Edit button
  4. An Edit community sidesheet will open on the right side of the page
  5. Scroll down and select the community privacy
  6. Click the Save button

Member visibility

There are 3 member visibility options:

  1. Visible to anyone: Anyone can see the members of the community. This applies only to public communities.
  2. Visible to members: Members can see other members. This applies to both public and private communities.
  3. Hidden: No one can see members. This applies to both public and private communities.

To change the member visibility of a community:

  1. Go to Manage community from the Communities Dashboard
  2. Click on the Members tab
  3. Click the Member privacy button
  4. A member privacy modal will open
  5. Select the member privacy setting you wish to apply to your community
  6. Click the Save button
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