How to use event survey templates

Meg Dietrich

Sep 17, 2023 11:12 PM

How to create a survey template

1. Go to the Admin Dashboard > Templates.

2. Click on "Create Template".

3. Here you can choose between an Event Questionnaire or a Feedback Form. Event Questionnaires go out before the event to those who confirm, whereas a feedback form will be sent to attendees after the event is over.

4. Click "Publish" and it's now live!

How do I add a survey template to my event?

When you add a survey to your event, you'll have the option to start from scratch or use a template. Under Templates you can select any template that is currently published to import the questions into your event.

If a survey template is updated - will it update all events that currently are using the template?

No, it won’t update events that are already using the template. The idea of the template is that it’s a way to import a set of questions, rather than connecting a “living” survey.

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