Configuring Communication Settings in Events (how to add confirmed guests to Slack channel)

Meg Dietrich

Feb 20, 2024 12:40 PM

Configuring Epoch to add confirmed guests to Slack Channel

If you would like Epoch to automatically add a guest to a designated Slack channel once they RSVP (confirm) to your event, follow these steps:

  1. Create an event.
  2. On the Guests step, choose Add to existing channel
  3. Search for the existing channel in your Slack workspace that you want to add.
  4. Employees will be automatically added to this Slack channel when they confirm into the event.

Frequently asked questions

Why don't I see the Slack channel I'm looking for?

If you're browsing by scrolling through the dropdown, there's a limitation on the number of channels we can display. However, all Slack channels are searchable, so please type the Slack channel name you're looking for and it should appear as an option.

If you're looking for a private Slack channel, the Epoch Slackbot needs to be invited to the channel first before it appears in the dropdown. To learn more, read this article.

If you still can't find the channel you're looking for, please reach out to to re-sync all Slack channels.

Will guests be removed if they cancel their spot?

No, they will not be automatically removed from the event's Slack channel. This is due to Slack's default settings for bot permissions (i.e. only workspace owners and admins are allowed to remove people from public channels).

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