Insights dashboard overview

Angie Kwan

Sep 11, 2024 12:27 PM

Instant analytics and reporting for any admin, team, or office.

Drill down into metrics to understand the key drivers behind employee engagement and ROI. Get actionable insights and share the impact of events and programs with stakeholders.


Insights turns your events into data you can analyze to better understand employee engagement. Use Insights to answer questions like:

  • Which events were most successful?
  • Which events should you continue investing in?
  • What is the ROI for your events?
  • How many employees are engaging with events?

The best way to learn how Insights works is to try it. This article walks you through each component of the dashboard and common ways to use it.

Setting up

Insights will show data for all events by default. Add or remove filters to change which events appear in the dashboard.

Note that team admins will only see data for the teams they have been granted access to.


Shows past events that ended within the selected date range. Note that it takes 24 hours after an event ends for it to appear in Insights.


Shows past events hosted by selected teams.


Shows past events hosted by selected locations.


Shows past events tagged with selected categories.

Summary metrics

Summary metrics give you a bird's eye view of key employee engagement metrics. Think of this as a pulse check to give you context on the rest of the data in the dashboard.

Total events

Shares context on the company's employee engagement strategy and overall health.

This metric is calculated by taking the total number of events that ended in the period.

Total attendance

Measures engagement and success of events.

This metric is calculated by taking the number of attendees across events that ended during the period.

Average Net Promoter Score

Measures an event's quality and relevance by looking at employee advocacy.

Net Promoter Score® is an engagement metric that measures how likely employees would recommend an event to colleagues. This score is averaged across events that ended during the period.

Employee participation

Measures engagement on a company level.

This metric is calculated by taking the percentage of total employees who attended at least 1 event during the period. Total employees is calculated by taking the daily average during the period.

Variance analysis

Each summary metric will show a comparison of the metric in the current period compared to the previous period.

For example, if my current period is June 1 – June 30, the variance analysis will show the comparison with May 1 – May 30. This is a great way to assess if performance is trending up or down across periods.


Events is a table that compares 3 types of metrics across events: attendance, spend, and feedback. Which events were most successful? Which initiatives should you continue investing in?

Events is an interactive table, which means you can choose the data you want to see:

  • Attendance
  • Attendance rate
  • Spend
  • Spend per guest
  • Net Promoter Score®
  • Satisfaction score
  • Connection score
  • Retention score
  • Feedback response rate

Apply filters

Filter by Event formats to show past events that were in-person, virtual, or hybrid.

Filter by Time zones to show past events that were hosted in selected time zones.

Edit metrics

To choose the metrics you want to see in the table, click the Edit button to open the metrics sheet.

Remove metrics by clicking the red icon in the “Metrics added to chart” section. Note that a minimum of 1 metric must be in the table.

Add metrics by clicking the green icon in the “More metrics” section. Note that a maximum of 5 metrics can be added.

Reorder metrics by holding the rearrange icon in the “Metrics added to chart” section.

Click Done to save your changes.

Sort columns

Use the sort icon in the column headers to sort the data by ascending or descending order.

Hide or show colors

Click the menu icon to Hide color or Show color. This will control the heat map for metrics in the table.

Dig deeper

Clicking the event title takes you to the event insights page. See RSVP and attendance data, feedback responses, registrations by platform, and more.


Metrics is a section with charts. You can see metric trends over time or compare metrics across different groupings. Which event categories are most popular? Which teams have the highest engagement and performance? 

Note that the page filters still apply to metric charts. You can filter down by date, teams, locations, or categories to narrow down the data you see in the charts.

Attendance over time

Shows total attendees across events during the period on a week-over-week basis.

  • Is attendance increasing or decreasing?
  • If attendance is steady over time, does that indicate sustained employee interest?
  • If there are noticeable spikes, do certain weeks attract more attendees?
  • If there are significant drops, what are the driving factors causing lower attendance?
  • Do seasonal trends play a factor in attendance, like summer or holidays?
  • Which categories, teams, or locations have a higher increase in attendance? 

Total events and attendance by team

Shows the total events and total attendance grouped by team during the period.

  • Which teams have the most engagement across the company?
  • Which teams are hosting more events, and is that correlated with attendance?
  • If there are teams hosting less events with high attendance, what are the driving factors that make their events appealing and engaging?
  • If there are teams hosting more events with low attendance, can timing, content, or communication be improved to make events more effective?
  • What can teams learn from successful teams?
  • Is there an opportunity for teams to collaborate? 
  • Should a higher budget be allocated to more engaging teams?

Total events and attendance by category

Shows the total events and total attendance grouped by category during the period.

  • Which categories have the most engagement across the company?
  • If there are less events with high attendance in a category, what are the driving factors that make the events important or engaging?
  • If there are more events with low attendance in a category, can timing, content, or communication be improved to make events more effective?
  • Is there enough diversity in event offerings for all employees if attendance skews to certain categories?
  • Should a higher budget be allocated to more engaging categories?

Interacting with metric charts

Hover on metric charts to see more detailed data.

Trend charts, which show data over time, will show aggregated data from the current tick to the next tick. For example, hovering on July 7 will show me the total attendance between July 7 and July 14.

Comparison charts, which show data by a grouping, will show aggregated data for a grouping during the full period. For example, hovering on Global Workplace will show me the total events and total attendance during the full period.

If there are more than 10 data points, such as if there are more than 10 weeks or more than 10 categories, the data will be separated into multiple pages. Click on the arrows to navigate between pages of data.

How to extract insights

We know it can be overwhelming – there's all this data, but how do I turn them into actionable insights? We're sharing a few ways to set up your dashboard to get the answers to common questions that people ask about their data.

"Which events had the best ROI last quarter?"

You're running a quarterly review and need to share numbers with leadership. Which events and programs are driving the most value for the company? 

  1. Let's begin by setting the date range to Last quarter.
  2. Since you're comparing events, go to the Events table.
  3. To understand ROI, we'll need to see the relationship between attendance and spend. Click the Edit icon to open the metrics sheet.
  4. Customize the table by adding Attendance, Attendance rate, Spend, and Spend per guest to the table.
  5. To see the events with the highest attendance and lowest spend, sort attendance rate by descending order or spend by ascending order.
  6. Look at the heat map to identify outliers – which events are the most green and least purple? We can see Yoga Tree Session: Beginners! and Chocolate Tasting 101 had strong ROI.

Now that we've gotten a high-level view, we want to segment our data just for the San Francisco office. Which Company-Wide events hosted by the Workplace Team had the best ROI?

  1. Navigate to the filters at the top of the page and narrow down events using the Teams, Locations, and Categories filters.
  2. We can see that San Francisco Happy Hour had a fairly high attendance rate and low spend.
  3. To dig deeper into which elements of the event drove engagement, click on the title to access the event insights page for more data. We might find through qualitative feedback that people enjoyed the interactive games, which didn't require any additional cost.

"What were my top 3 events last month?"

You're planning for the next couple months and want to figure out what types of event to host. What will employees enjoy the most and drive attendance?

  1. Let's begin by setting the date range to Last month.
  2. Since you're comparing events, go to the Events table.
  3. To understand the top event, we need to first define what "top" means. In this case, my goal is to figure out which events employees enjoyed and attended the most. Click the Edit icon to open the metrics sheet.
  4. Customize the table by adding Attendance, Attendance rate, and Satisfaction score to the table.
  5. To see the events with the highest-performing metrics, sort the columns by descending order. Look at the heat map to identify the top 3 events that are the most green and yellow across all metrics.

Coming soon

Create custom charts

Create your own charts to plug and play metrics and groupings.

Share insights

Export to CSV or PDF to explore data outside of Epoch.

Feedback or questions? 

We love hearing from our users. If you have feature ideas, improvement suggestions, or any issues with Insights, please reach out to us at

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