Sep 11, 2024 2:08 AM
Event notifications are sent on Epoch through Slack, email, and Google Calendar. They are either automated or customizable, meaning the content and timing can be modified. This is a comprehensive list of all notification types and their triggers.
Users can always choose to turn Slack or email notifications on or off in their profile.
Slack notifications:
Email notifications:
Sent in Slack channels when an admin creates an announcement on the Communications page.
The message, GIF, and send time can be customized.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin invites an employee to an event on Epoch.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin invites an employee to content on Epoch.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin removes an employee on Epoch.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee registers through the Epoch event page or Slack. If the event doesn't have a questionnaire, the button will be hidden.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employees responds as maybe through the Epoch event page or Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employees responds as not going through the Epoch event page or Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin updates the event's end time, title, location, or description.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin updates the event's start time.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee attempts to register for an event on calendar when registration is closed.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee doesn't respond to all required questions in the questionnaire. This notification will be sent every 24 hours at 12:00 PM UTC until the questionnaire is submitted.
This can happen if a guest responds "Yes" on the calendar event without filling out the questionnaire or a new required question is added.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee updates their event questionnaire responses on Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee joins the waitlist from Slack, calendar, or the Epoch event page.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee leaves the waitlist from Slack or the Epoch event page.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee is released from the waitlist for an event with a required questionnaire.
If the event doesn't have a questionnaire, the "Submit questionnaire" button will be hidden.
Sent in a Slack channel when it is created by Epoch for an event and the admin hasn't chosen to automatically archive it.
Sent in a Slack channel when it is created by Epoch for an event and the admin has chosen to automatically archive it 48 hours after the event ends.
Sent in the Slackbot when an admin chooses to create custom communications for an event.
The message, send time, and recipients (grouped by RSVP status) can be customized.
Sent in the Slackbot to employees who registered for an event with self check-in turned on.
The send time can be customized.
Sent in the Slackbot after an employee clicks "Check in" on Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot to employees who attended an event with a feedback form. This notification can be resent to employees who haven't filled out the form.
The send time and anonymity settings can be customized.
Sent in the Slackbot after an employee submits a feedback form on Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot when an employee updates their feedback form responses on Slack.
Sent in the Slackbot after an event has been archived by an admin.
Sent from Google Calendar when an admin invites an employee to an event on Epoch and a calendar event was created.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent from Google Calendar when an admin removes an employee on Epoch or archives an event on Epoch.
Sent when an employees registers through the Epoch event page.
Sent when an employees responds as maybe through the Epoch event page.
Sent when an employees responds as not going through the Epoch event page.
Sent from Google Calendar when an admin updates the event's start time, end time, title, location, or description.
Admins can choose whether to send this notification.
Sent when an employee attempts to register for an event on calendar when registration is closed.
Sent when an employee doesn't respond to all required questions in the questionnaire. This notification will be sent every 24 hours at 12:00 PM UTC until the questionnaire is submitted.
This can happen if a guest responds "Yes" on the calendar event without filling out the questionnaire or a new required question is added.
Sent when an employee joins the waitlist from calendar or the Epoch event page.
Sent when an employee is released from the waitlist for an event with a required questionnaire if they joined the waitlist from calendar or the Epoch event page.
If the event doesn't have a questionnaire, the "Submit questionnaire" button will be hidden.
Sent when an admin chooses to create custom communications for an event.
The message, send time, and recipients (grouped by RSVP status) can be customized.
Sent to employees who confirmed to an event with self check-in turned on.
The send time can be customized.
Sent to employees who attended an event with a feedback form. This notification can be resent to employees who haven't filled out the form.
The send time and anonymity settings can be customized.
Sent from Google Calendar after an event has been archived by an admin.
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