Epoch best practices

Meg Dietrich

Feb 25, 2025 11:44 AM

Event description

  • In your event description, you can format the text and add hyperlinks to share resources or materials for your event. You can also use AI to create or edit your description.

Scheduling your event

  • You can select the timezone you want to create your event. Note that employees will see all events in their local timezone on the Discover page.
  • Choose between a single event or a multi-session event type.

Event location

  • For virtual events, you can paste any meeting link into the field. This includes platforms like Zoom and Google Meets. If you have your Zoom integration connected you can also select “Make it a Zoom Meeting”. This will generate a unique meeting URL from your personal Zoom account right in Epoch. This will also give you Zoom data to see who attends your meeting link at the time of the event.
  • For in-person events, you can include the address of where the event will be held and any instructions on getting there.
  • For hybrid events, you can give attendees the option of attending virtually or in-person to your event. If you need to know how guests will be attending your event, a best practice would be to ask if guests are attending virtually or in person in a questionnaire. You can set up this questionnaire in the survey step of creating an event.

Event details

  • You can also upload a cover photo for your event and crop it for the different views across Epoch.
  • Select the Team from the dropdown that will be hosting the event. This gives visibility to employees and also groups your events together for data reporting purposes.
  • Select the Categories from the dropdown to help categorize your events for employees to filter by on the Discover page from the Categories dropdown. This is also a great way to group your events together for data reporting purposes.
  • Input the estimated spend for your event.


  • Choose between a public or private event. Public events are open to everyone at your company, whereas private events are only viewable by those whom you invite.
  • Set a capacity for your event and that will enable a waitlist when the event is full.
  • Set a registration cutoff time to lock in confirmed guests by a specific date.
  • Connect a new Slack channel or an existing Slack channel to your event. This will ensure everyone who confirms into your event, is added to the respective channel.


  • Questionnaires are a great way for event planners to gather helpful information from those who will be attending the event. You can also make certain questions required so guests won’t be fully confirmed until they provide answers to those required questions.
  • Feedback forms are a great way to gather feedback right after an event takes place from the attendees. Admins can customize when they want feedback forms to be sent. The best practice for when to send feedback forms is when you believe attendees will be back at their computers and the event is top of mind. 
  • If an event is virtual, it’s usually best to send the feedback forms right when the event ends or even a few minutes before the event ends to ensure they fill it out before logging off of their computer.
  • For in-person events, it’s usually best to send the feedback form once employees can get back to their desks and log onto their computers. If the event is in the office, sending it 5-10 minutes after the event ends gives them enough time to head back to their desk and go back to their computer.

Survey templates and responses

  • Admins can create survey templates for both questionnaires and feedback forms if you tend to ask the same set of questions for specific types of events. Templates are also great if multiple Admins are creating events of the same type to ensure the questions are consistent for those events. Admins can also make private survey templates for only them to use.
  • Admins can find the survey responses on the Insights page and can download survey responses in a CSV file format from the Insights page as well.
  • If you notice feedback responses are low, resend your feedback form to nudge those who have not filled it out yet.


  • Creating a calendar invite should usually always be set to “yes” as it’s super helpful for attendees to have the calendar invite as a reminder when their event is upcoming.
  • Slack and email reminders allow you to schedule event communications and target what guest status you want the reminders to send to.

Event insights

  • You can invite guests to your event by selecting individuals, selecting a distrolist, or pasting a list of emails to import.
  • Here is where you can also complete Admin check-in. Admin check-in is best for events that have dedicated event hosts at the door to verify guests' attendance. Any admin that has access to the event will see a banner on the insights page to open the check-in manager. This appears 1 hour before the event begins.
  • Estimated attendees is a number you can enter to track attendance for your events. This is a great option if you're not using check-in or Zoom. You might be short on resources to check in guests or importing attendance data from other conferencing platforms, like Google Meet.

If you have any event-specific questions on how to best set up your event on Epoch, reach out to support@epochapp.com.

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